The book collection includes a number of course textbooks, books relating to current topics of research and books with historical significance. Books are catalogued according to the Library of Congress system, the same as all other UBC collections. All the GIC’s books are catalogued and can be searched using UBC Library’s online catalogue. To search for books in the GIC select the Archives, Bibliographies and Reading Rooms Catalogue on UBC Library’s main menu bar under Catalogues or follow this link for online access.
Use the call number from your search to locate the book in our stacks. Books can be loaned for a 2 week period with the exception of reference items and atlases.
UBC Library subscribes to many electronic databases and has access to a large number of online journals. Many journals can be searched and viewed electronically as .pdf files though UBC Library.
For help in searching for journal articles refer to the UBC Library Article Guide. For geography related information and available geographical databases, UBC Library maintains an up to date subject guide. It is also possible to search and view journal articles by using Google Scholar. If this search is undertaken at UBC, the UBC elink will be shown on the screen and can be followed, to view the actual article. Hard copy journals are centralized in one location in Koerner Library.
Course Reserves
The GIC maintains a Geography Course Reserve of items available for selected geography courses which are located behind the student computer desks. These items are available for a 2 hour loan period during the day, and overnight loan one hour before the GIC closes. Check the reserve reference binder to find out what course readings are available.