All aerial photographs are protected by copyright and any reproduction in whole or in part requires permission from the copyright holder. The GIC does not hold the copyright for the air photos. For this reason the GIC cannot scan and send digital copies of the air photos out.
Publishers are mostly concerned if the images are reproduced for profit, i.e. in a book or as prints. If they are for company internal use it would be less of a concern but it is not up to the GIC to advise. Service fees charged by the Geographic Information Centre do not include reproduction permission. If you plan on scanning, copying or reproducing the photos in any form it is best to contact the original publisher for reproduction permission.
You can tell the the publisher of a photo by its Roll Number (e.g. A, BC, FF, SRS).
National Resources Canada – National Air Photo Library
[ A roll number flight lines ]
Commercial reproduction and copyright information (NAPL)
Contact Information
Natural Resources Canada
580 Booth Street
15th floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0E4
Fax: (613) 992-0792
Crown Registry and Geographic Base Branch – GeoBC
[ BC, BCB, BCC, BCD roll number flight lines ]
Copyright Permission Request Form (GeoBC)
Commercial suppliers: FotoFlight
[ FFC roll number flight lines ]
ph. (403) 291-2299
Commercial suppliers: Delta Aerial Surveys
[ DAS roll numbers flight lines ]
Commercial suppliers: Selkirk Remote Sensing
[ SRS roll numbers flight lines ]
NOTE: Selkirk Remote Sensing has ceased operations. Call the GIC for copyright info on this supplier.