GIC Summer Hours 2016
The Geographic Information Centre will begin operating on reduced hours starting April 25th, 2016, Monday to Friday: 8:30AM – 4:30PM Weekends and Holidays: Closed Have a great summer everyone!
April Hours 2016
Hello students, The GIC will be operating normal hours during exam period (April 12th – April 22nd), Monday to Thursday: 8:30AM – 6:00PM Friday: 8:30AM – 4:30PM Good luck studying!
Term 2 (April 2016) exam schedule and policies
The exam schedule for term 2 is out, please check the location and time of exam beforehand to prevent schedule conflict and hardships. Term 1 GEOB/GEOG exam schedule (April 2016) UBC exam schedule (April 2016) Exam policies, clashes and hardships Best of luck studying students!