By TL on September 18, 2014
Reserve readings for all geography courses are now permanently located behind the student access computer desks by the entrance. Readings are first come first serve basis and holding for reserves will not be available. Students are welcome to use the readings inside the Geographic Information Centre during our operating hours or can be taken out […]
By TL on September 18, 2014
Since the 1930s, the Provincial Air Photo Warehouse have housed approximately 2.3 million aerial photographs, recording BC’s geographic history for many decades. In April 2010, the Provincial Air Photo Warehouse closed down its warehouse access. To allow for continued public use, the Geographic Information Centre at UBC Vancouver has undergone major renovations for the past […]
By TL on September 17, 2014
Welcome back everyone, GIC term 1 hours (Sept 8th – Dec 19th) Monday to Thursday: 8:30 AM – 6:00 PM Friday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM Closed on holidays and weekends Have a great term!